If you have web server hosted by Olafe or you would like to brand certain Olafe cervices under your own domain name, you will have to provide us with a certificate.
We can initiate a certifacate request so that your certificate requisition process will be smoother. You will have to provide us the following information:
- Common Name (i.e. www.example.com)
- Organization Name (i.e. Example Inc.)
- Organization Unit (i.e. Consumers)
- City/locality (i.e. New York)
- State/province (i.e. NY)
- Country/Region Code (i.e. US)
- Email Address (i.e. security@example.com)
- Key Length (i.e. 1024 bit or 2048 bit)
Optionally, you can email us the certificate file and then contact support and provide us the certificate password so that we can import your certificate. Please feel free to contact us about the certificate format for the export. It will depend on the type of system which you will be using in your application environment.
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